Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Soul. New Joy.

It's been quite sometime since I last updated the blog. The last post I remember posting was dated last year. It's been a while. Heh.. So this is the very first post in two-o-one two. Every now and then, I hear myself utters the question "how time flies" and often the question end up with a long silence. Means I was thinking but then stuck in the middle of memory land. Thus no answer, yet again. 

Okay, before I can't stop myself from writing much longer about time flies, memories, etc, etc.. let's just recap the main topic. Alhamdulillah, I just got another nephew to add up the Rangers Team. Yeah, I kind of making team for my nieces and nephews. The president is always the eldest; Ayuni Balqis, 4 years old. And as the air fills with breaths of a new soul, I am rest assured that my sister is the happiest human being in the earth. Little caliph, Umar Al-Farouq was born 11 days later than the due date. Alhamdulillah everything went well. Both Umar and his Ibu are very much healthy.

God has perfect timing; never early, never late.
It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.


Umar Al-Farouq Bin Hanafiah
P.O.B: Serdang, Selangor
D.O.B: 22/12/11
T.O.B: 10.10 pm
W.O.B: 2.81 kg

Till then,